jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008

sentir 3

it's just me and my self, no one else.

1 comentario:

Rene dijo...

That's a common feeling we have you know, but God knows why... but nevertheless, you shouldn't worry because great things happen when you least expect them.
And it's even harder to face that feeling when the sensation of Christmas it's in the air, in the way the wind blows and in the way the sky looks this days.
Even so... try to enjoy the time you have for yourself by yourself right now, because when you get married (and you will) you won't ever experience this type of feelings again. So just look at them like some kind of awkward experience.
Ya mucha paja en ingles... (me siento mero raro y enajenado escribiendo asi).
Cuidate anita. Suerte en la U y segui estudiando para que pases unas bonitas vacas.

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